Monday, 7 December 2015

Arthritic joints.

As the winter season sets in people suffering from arthritis dread every cold wave. The joints become more painful,  inflexible and creaky. Movement becomes troublesome and overall uneasiness increases.

Tips To Ease Out The Pain
Exercise is a Must: Exercising helps increase blood circulation and enables warm blood reach all peripheral areas of the body including the joints. Regular exercise also helps keep the muscles strong and healthy which help in supporting the joint.

Eat a well balanced diet: Eat a well balanced diet with sufficient vitamin C,D, K to keep the bones and cartilage well nourished. For this oranges, cabbage, carrots,spinach  and tomatoes are a must.

*Also spend half n hour under the sun to allow production of vitamin D.

Water Intake: Keep on drinking sufficient water through out the  day. At least 2-3 litres should be had during the day and minimal at night to keep the joints hydrated.

Knee Support: Wear knee supports while walking long distances.

Homoeopathic Remedies
Homoeopathic remedies like Lycopodium,  Rhus tox,  Bryonia,  calcarea Phos , Phosphorus help when the symptoms match. These should be taken only under the guidance of a good Homoeopathic physician.

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Frozen Shoulder

What is frozen shoulder?
It is a disorder in which the shoulder and the connective tissues surrounding the shoulder joint become inflamed and stiff thus limiting the shoulder movement in all directions and causing pain. The pain usually increases at night and in cold weather.

How to  tackle the pain?

  • Avoid  drinks containing caffeine as it increases the stiffness. e.g. cold drinks and coffee.
  • Avoid milk products as they increase inflammation.
  • Increase intake of raw fruits like Cherries, Berries, Papaya and Pineapple.These reduce inflammation.

2 tablespoons of flax seeds every day will help in improving stiffness and inflammation.

Use turmeric and ginger extensively in your diet as they have anti inflammatory properties.  They stimulate circulation and relieve pain.

All types of stress further aggravate the pain. So daily relaxation exercises are essential. Visit a good Homoeopathic doctor for relief in pain.

Start with deep breathing exercises -Pranayam and then do 10-20 minutes of meditation. It relaxes the muscles and releases all tension from the  area.

Plumbum metallicum, Arsenic album, Veratrum album are some of the medicines that help alleviate the pain but should be used only after consulting a doctor.

Monday, 21 September 2015

Importance of Fats in food

Fats are equally required by our body as other nutrients. Our body needs a healthy combination of protein, cards, vitamins,minerals and fats to function properly. We need to be  choosy  as to what  kinds of fat we are eating. 

Nuts- Like almonds (soaked 4-5) , walnuts (soaked 1-2) , are nutritional boon. They are good for the heart, bone health,immunity building  and also help in reducing cholesterol.

Flax seeds- These are power packed fat packages. Toasted flax seeds fight against diabetes and act as natural laxatives. (1 spoon a day)

Eggs- Excellent source of protein and energy for the  day.

Olives- Have antioxidant, anti - inflammatory and anti cancer properties.  Use in salads, pastas or sandwiches.

Sesame seeds- are loaded with good fats along with calcium. 

Use groundnut oil, ricebran oil , olive oil or even burnt  mustard oil for cooking purposes so as to  get a great balance of MUFA (monosaturated fatty acids) and PUFA ( poly saturated fatty acids ) which help in overall weight management.

Saturday, 19 September 2015


We all know how important food is for  our body but  we need to understand what is right to eat.

These days there are lot of advertisements, food channels that show new recipes from across the world and watching these anyone would want to try something new.

Follow few rules before you run for the  kitchen.
  • Raw fruits and vegetables are full of vitamins,  minerals and antioxidants which reduce to quite an extent while cooking. It means that if we can eat apples raw it is more nutritious than eating them as tinned or as Apple pie etc.
  • Cucumbers, zerkin, carrots, tomatoes are definitely better as raw form rather than having them pickled.
  • Processed food should be  avoided as much as possible.  These foods are high in sugar, salt , fat and artificial  agents which are used to enhance the taste. 
  • Anything packaged on the shelves of a supermarket which can last more than 10 days is processed. Even dals,  cereals are also processed but these are  less processed.
  • If anyone has to eat processed food like baked beans, tuna fish  or any other thing then add lots of raw vegetables to it and roll it in a chapatti and have it 

These foods are definitely hassle free but not nutritious. 

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Past Life Regression ( Emotions )

A lot of people are trying their best to move out of situations where they have been stuck for years and are giving up. People who have been through physical, mental and emotional experience, sexual abuse at any age, constant rhythms and cycles of depression and so much more . They do have a right to live and enjoy this beautiful life God has given. 

We are aware that the soul when created was at same vibration as that of the Divine. Throughout its journey, the soul has Free Will to make choices and choose its path; each lifetime evolves the soul and takes us closer to the completion of Karma and closer to the Source - Our Creator. 

Emotions and Patterns From Previous Births
We carry emotions and patterns from previous births, every time we incarnate, along with the Karmas that we need to complete. On a metaphysical level one can see that a much larger force – Karma from our previous life times, controls the challenges, habits, and disease, which we carry with us. One cannot free oneself from the past until we realize and work on the issues that hold us back on a metaphysical level.

Every one has problems, but some of us have more on one level than the other. If you are experiencing repetitive disharmony in your life, unanswered questions, a feeling of in-completion then, "PAST LIFE REGRESSION THERAPY IS THE ANSWER".

Contact Dr Aneet Sawhney: 9810086919 for  consultation .

Sunday, 19 July 2015

Answering Children Queries

Answer Their Queries

Children both boys and girls have lot of queries about why there are body changes? 
So please answer there questions and DONT EVADE them.

Can Not Answer All?

If you think you cannot answer all the questions! Then either request your family doctor to do the same or a good friend with whom the child is comfortable.

Books Are Good too!

You can also buy some good books and give to them. It is always better to have the right kind of information rather than collecting information in bits and pieces from friends.

Young children need to be taught about personal hygiene and to be cautious, attentive and smart at all times.

Handling growing children.

Teen years are challenging both for the parents and children.

Aggression comes in children due to hormonal changes. Being a parent one should understand that children at this age go through emotional turmoil; whom to listen: friends or parents? What is right? and What is wrong? Let them decide some things themselves. There are body changes, peer pressure and a desire to be more independent in children. At times they start answering back and then starts a bitter relationship between parents And children.

Don't get into arguments, it do not help in any way. Give some time; probably a few hours or a day and then talk it out not shout it out.

This is the time when children need positive family environment.

It could be fun activities, open parent child communication wherein both should hear either persons views.

Parents should be appreciative of their kids extracurricular activities and should encourage them to participate in group activities.
It is important for the parent to stay calm when the child is misbehaving with his friends.

Always have a one to one talk and make him understand where he is wrong. 
Don't correct him in a group.
Use humour and lighten the tone of the conversation.
Ignore certain expression of your child .

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Stay Healthy Stay Young - Tips

We all want to look young ... Isn't it??

For all those who want to maintain their beauty, want to stay young.. Here are some tips.

Drink plenty(3-4  lit) of water everyday.It hydrates the skin and makes it supple. You can drink green tea, lemonade,salted lassi  in between also.

Do 30 minutes of exercise everyday. It can be simple walking but should be brisk walk and your heart should start beating fast and by the end you should be perspiring profusely.

Perspiration cleanses our body and keeps us free of diseases.

Don't stay in one posture for long. If working get up every half hour, take a walk, have water and come back. It is a must for people who work on computers throughout the day.

Keep rotating your neck , shoulders, head 3-4 times a day if you are on your mobile often.

Eat balanced diet which has proteins, carbs,  minerals and vitamins every day.

Good sound sleep is a must. It is during sleep that all repair work is done and the oestogen and progesterone released while sleeping give you healthy, glowing skin

Be happy. Let there be a smile on your face always.
If working, office goers should keep on moving around every half an hour and have some water, green tea or lemonade.

Stay #Happy! Stay #Healthy!
#Young #Smile

Friday, 12 June 2015

Losing Weight Post Pregnancy.

Losing weight post pregnancy.

  • During pregnancy ladies gain around 10-40 Kg's of weight.
  • Ideal weight gain is 12-15 kg according to body structure.
Care should be taken about the diet.
  • Proteins should be highest in the diet-  eggs, sprouts, chicken, dals, yogurt, soybeans etc
  • Calcium is the next imp thing- milk, cheese curd, chick peas, white sesame seeds(soaked overnight and grinded ) 
  • Plenty of fruits and vegetables
  • Last is good fat.- home made white butter, or desi ghee in limited amounts
  1. Daily walk is recommended for 30-40 mins. 
  2. Even in the last trimester the Lady should keep doing the daily chores and rest for half n hour every 2-3 hours.
  3. Movement exercises the pelvic muscles and makes labour easier and spontaneous.
How To Reduce Weight
  1. The easiest way to loose weight post pregnancy is to feed the baby.By feeding all the extra fat is converted into lactose and with in 3 months  the body starts coming back in shape.
  2. While feeding it is important to eat and drink the right kinds of food.
  3. Drink around 600-800 ml of milk everyday.
  4. Eat apples,banana, pears, every day.
  5. Eat nuts like almonds, pistachio, pine, raisins,apricots, dates everyday.
  6. Eat some good fat like white butter or desi ghee for your joint lubrication everyday.
  7. Eat proteins during the day only as it is difficult to digest at night.
  8. Eat green vegetables at night.
  9. Start your walks after a month 15 min every day.
  10. Do all chores of the baby yourself- like massaging, giving bath to the baby, feeding etc. These help in better bonding with the baby and helps you in losing extra flab.
Its Walk Time
After 3  months if you feel you have the energy you can start taking your baby  in a stroller for half an hour walk.

Stay Fit, Stay Healthy, Stay Happy!

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Raising Children The Right Way.

Activities For Growth and Development

  • Involve yourselves with the activities of your kids like playing games with them.
  • Also involve kids in your activities like laying the table,cutting salad, decorating salad tray, filling water in bottles or ice trays. These small small activities help children in the long run.
  • These help in bonding better with children.

Friendly Open Relation

  • Talk to children about what is bothering them . That can only happen if you are their friend. 
  • One to one talk should be encouraged every week wherein you can go with your kid for a walk and talk to him/ her about things in her class, friends etc. 
  • Listen carefully as a friend and DON'T LECTURE.


If you feel there is a problem discuss it out either with your spouse, teacher, friend or who so ever you feel can help in sorting out the problem. NEVER THINK LET TIME TAKE ITS COURSE AND IT WOULD BE FINE AFTER A FEW DAYS.

Boosting Confidence

As children grow their are lot of problems with friends, teachers, parents, school etc and always BE THERE for your children. Your SUPPORT can make a huge difference in their confidence level.

Decision Making Power

  • At every point teach children about RIGHT AND WRONG and let them decide which path to take.
  • Don't take decisions for them.
  • Marks are not everything in this world but what is more important is right understanding of things.
Your Kids will react and act the way you Will.
Stay Happy. Stay Connected. 

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Balanced Diet For Children

It is essential for us to teach our children about TASTY food and HEALTHY food.


Chips, #burgers #pizzas, cold drinks only satisfy our taste buds and should be eaten once a week. 

These provide superficial energy burst and very soon kids  start feeling hungry again.

Proteins help the kids to grow so it is very important that every meal of theirs should have some #protein like milk, curd, dal, roasted nuts, eggs, fish, chicken, coconut etc.

Minerals are very important for proper growth of bones, teeth and cartilages.

"Fruits give us minerals and vitamins and keep diseases at bay".

Vitamins  help us in #building #immunity of our kids. 
So it is a must for children to have 3-4 fruits a day
"Fruits give us minerals and #vitamins and keep diseases at bay".

Importance of Sleep
Sleep is as important for children as food because during sleep only growth hormones are secreted. So good sleep equates to good health.

Bring a few changes in the diet of children to see them #growing better.

Helpful Tips 
  • Encourage children for outdoor activities. They help in #digestion of food, building muscles and strengthen the bones. So the kids grow better when they play some sport every day.
  • Discourage children from video games, mobile/tab.While indoor let them read books, solve #puzzles, do sudoku, play #carrom etc.
See You Soon ... With more #informative blogs!!
Stay Healthy! Stay Happy!

Monday, 8 June 2015

Dr. Aneet's Travelling Tips

 As per Dr. Aneet recreational activities, traveling, going on trips is important in today's busy life style.

Dr. Aneet On a family trip, as per Dr. Aneet to add freshness to daily routine plan outing or TOUR with your family.

What Dr. Aneet Say's? 
Summer time is synonymous with travel time. While travelling do make note of a few things.

  • Drink plenty of pure water.
  • Even when you are travelling to hilly places drink water.
  • Give 2 hours of time to your body to adjust to the altitude and temperature variations before hiking anywhere.
  • Don't eat cut fruit from roadside vendors. Buy whole fruit and cut it yourself.
  • Carry sunscreen lotion and use when going out.
  • Don't carry extra baggage in terms of matching shoes etc.

"The purpose of the holiday should be to enjoy and not click pics with matching accessories to put on fb."

Keep Reading for more interesting tips.

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Health Problems of Infants

Calcium deficiency in new born babies,in older infants and preschool children is in association with Vitamin D deficiency. Calcarea Phoshoricum is a great boon for such children.

  • Irritability
  • Jitteriness
  • Pain in lower legs.
  • Baby finds comfort on massaging his legs.
  • White patches are formed on cheeks, forehead, or arms.
  • Pregnant and lactating mothers must have adequate amount of calcium and Vitamin D in their diets to prevent problems associated with calcium deficiency. 
  • Artificially fed children are more prone to develop calcium deficiency. The high phosphate content of non-human milk depresses the level of calcium in the blood. 
Medicines in Homeopathy
Calc. fluor., Calc. carb., Calc. phos.

Though rare in breastfed infants, calcium deficiency can occur in such infants whose mothers are deficient in calcium and Vitamin D. 

PREVENTION: Exposure of infants and mothers to adequate sunlight can help in prevention of this condition.

Teething can start at any time between 3 month to 12 months of age. 

Teething symptoms
  • Drooling baby
  • Babies may refuse to eat or drink.
  • Irritability
  • A tooth visible below the gum
  • Swollen, bulging gums
  • Trying to bite, chew, and suck on everything she can get her hands on
  • Rubbing her face
  • Difficulty in sleeping
  • Grabbing her ears
  • Waking more at night and generally being more unsettled.

  • Gently rubbing over the affected gum with your clean finger may ease the pain. 
  • Many children find that biting on a clean and cool object is soothing (for example, a chilled teething ring).
  • Chewing on chilled fruit or vegetables may help. 
  • Carrots and cucumbers are excellent soothers.
Homeopathic Medicines for Teething
Podophyllum, Belladonna, Calcarea phosphorica, Caffeinum. 

Watch and wait if you notice fussiness, fever, trouble sleeping, or pulling at the ear that lasts for one to three days following congestion or an upper respiratory infection.
Visit the doc if these symptoms last for more than three days or if baby seems to be in severe pain and younger than 6 months. Doctors prefer to let baby's immune system fight an ear infection at first, but antibiotics may be in order if he isn't better after three days.

Homeopathic Medicines  for Ear Infection
Belladonna, Ferrum phos, Hepar sulph., Pulsatilla..

Visit the doctor if vomiting or fever lasts more than two days, if baby doesn't want to drink, if she goes for six hours or more without urinating, or if there's blood in her stool. Your baby might have a serious infection such as salmonella or E. coli, which may require treatment with an antibiotic.

What Temperature Indicates That Baby Needs to See a Doctor?
"Fever and the symptoms that accompany it, such as congestion or vomiting, are your baby's way of fighting infection, "Babies tolerate high fever -- 104 degrees plus -- a lot better than we do, and duration is usually a much better indicator of illness than how high it is."

Its Time To see Doctor if the fever lasts more than a day, if other symptoms interfere with baby's ability to get rest and eat well, or if your parental instinct tells you something is wrong. If your baby is younger than 2 months and comes down with a fever, you'll need to take it more seriously and get him checked out immediately -- with newborns, it's much trickier to figure out which infections might be brewing.

Homeopathic Medicines for Fever
Aconite napellus,  Belladonna,  Ferrum phosphoricum

See you soon .. with more concerning issues on health.
Eat healthy !
Stay Happy !

These medicines are only suggestive and should not be taken without consulting a homoeopathic physician.

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Health Problems in New Borns, Part - II

Loose stools with frequency more than 10 in a day are labeled as Diarrhoea in small children.In babies who are teething( 6 months+),at times the number of stools goes as high as 15-20 ion a day.The stools can be watery, frothy, with mucus, smelly, whitish or multi colored.

Causes :
  • Food poisoning
  • The stomach of babies is not used to too many variety of foods. At 6 months of age, one fruit is to be started and continued for a week before the second fruit / vegetable is introduced in the babies diet.
  • The water is added in the child's diet and the water should boiled before giving.
  • Rice and wheat should not be given together
  • During teething the metabolism of the child changes and that he passes loose stools.
  • Formula diets can also cause diarrhoea
  • Baby fluid intake should be in plenty.
  • Exclusive Breast feeding. Certain elements in breast milk can inhibit the growth of the germs that cause diarrhoea.
Homeopathic medicines for Diarrhoea
Common Homoeopathic medicines are Belladonna, Ipecac, Pulsatilla, China, Chamomilla, Calcarea Carb, Calcarea Phos,Podophyllum.

There are many causes of infant constipation. One of the most common causes of constipation in babies is the introduction of solid foods.

  • Introduction of solid food(s) – breastfed babies may be more prone to constipation when solid foods are introduced. This is because their tiny tummies are used to processing the easily and highly digestible mother’s milk
  • Diets low in fiber
  • Diets of excessive dairy products (yogurt, cheeses, milk)
  • Foods such as Bananas, Cereals, Breads, Pasta and White Potatoes may contribute or cause constipation.
Exercises to Help Relieve Infant Constipation include:
  • Tummy Massage – Gently massage and rub baby’s tummy in a clockwise direction. Place your hands at baby’s navel and massage in a circular motion, moving your hand(s) out and away from the center of baby’s belly.
  • Bicycle Legs – Place your baby on her back and lightly hold her legs in a half-bent position.  Gently begin to move your baby’s legs as if she is riding a bicycle. Alternate “Bicycle Legs” with Tummy Massage.  *”Bicycle Legs” also may help to relieve a baby who is gassy.
  • A Warm Bath – A warm bath helps relaxing the baby.
  • Start with one fruit (apple) or Vegetable (carrot) steamed and pureed.  Give it for 10 days before starting new vegetable or fruit. 
  • In a month can start with two fruits and two vegetables.
For Babies younger than 4 months
Try giving one to two ounces of diluted fruit juice such as grape, prune or apple-prune twice daily and practice some of the above exercises. 

Homeopathic Medicines for constipation:
Some Homoeopathic medicines are Nuxvomica,Calcarea Carb, Bryonia, Alumina.
These medicines are only suggestive and should not be taken without consulting a homoeopathic physician.

to be continued...

Saturday, 23 May 2015

Health Problems in New Born's, Part - I

If you're a new mom, you'll likely have moments of panic about your baby's health. Your child's health is important. Learn about common allergies, cold and flu; how to treat a fever; ear infections; rashes; sore throats, stomach aches, and more.

Common Health problems in new born are:

Bronchitis most commonly affects babies and young children under a year old. Most cases are mild and improve without specific treatment within about two weeks, although some children have severe symptoms and need treatment in hospital. Bronchitis is an infection or inflammation of the large air passages to the lungs. (These airways are called bronchi.) When your child has a cold, sore throat, flu, or sinus infection, the virus that caused it can spread to the bronchi. Once the germs take hold there, the airways become swollen, inflamed, and partly blocked with mucus.
  • Cold symptoms
  • Runny nose 
  • Nose blocked
  • Difficulty in feeding.
  • Breathing through mouth.
  • Slight fever (100 to 101 degrees Fahrenheit) 
  • Crankiness.

  • Avoid giving antibiotics to babies as it reduces the babies immunity and the child keeps falling sick more often. Try Homeopathy instead.
Homeopathic Medicines:
Homeopathy provides good treatment for bronchitis and patients can be easily treated in 4-6 days. Common medicines for this are Aconite Nap, Bryonia, Phosphorus, Antim Tart etc but these should be given after consultation with the doctor because symptoms vary from each child to child.

Colic is the term used to describe uncontrollable crying in an otherwise healthy baby. If your baby is younger than 5 months old and cries for more than three hours in a row day or three or more days a week for at least three weeks, he's considered colicky.

  • Cry is loud, continuous and irritating.
  • The baby's face often gets flushed or red. 
  • The belly is sometimes distended or prominent 
  • The legs alternating between flexed and extended straight out
  • The feet are often cold and the hands clenched.
Begins at age of 2-3 weeks
on peak at the age of two months.
Subsides by age of 3-4 months.

There are factors that may worsen the colic symptoms:
  • Overfeeding in an attempt to lessen the crying.
  • Feeding certain foods, especially those with high sugar content (for example, undiluted juices), may increase the amount of gas in the intestine and worsen the situation.
  • The presence of excessive anger, anxiety, fear, or excitement in the household.
Suggestion for relieving colic babies:
  • Sit on the chair and hold the baby with his face down and place hi nob your thighs with his face looking at the ground. Put slight pressure with your knees on his chest. With your hands, rub the back of the chest - motion of the hand being from center of the back towards the head.This causes the air inside to move towards the mouth and escape.
  • Do not Overfeed. Stick to regular schedule and timing.
  • Breastfeeding mothers should avoid too many milk products, caffeine, onions, cabbage, beans, broccoli, and other gas-producing, irritating foods.
  • Avoid juices (young infants should not be drinking juice anyway).
  • In the formula-fed baby, try changing to a formula containing whey hydrolysate (such as Good Start) or try a low-allergy formula (such as Nutramigen, Alimentum, or Pregestimil).
  • Try walking the baby in a front-pouch-style carrier with his legs drawn up and pressure off of his belly.
Homeopathic Medicines
Homoeopathic medicines that can relieve colic are Chamomilla, Mag Phos, Plumbum Met and others but should be only given with consultation with the doctor.

to be continued...

These medicines are only suggestive and should not be taken without consulting a homoeopathic physician.

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Who Are We??

We are all a part of the Divine Light, the vital force, energy, whatever you might call that is within all of us that makes life possible. We come from one life, and if the lessons are learnt and completed we move on to another dimension.

We Must Understand
We must fully understand that a lesson has to be learnt from all sides:

  • To give as well as to take.
  • To forgive as well as to be forgiven. 

Diamond in Us
We are like those unpolished diamonds which need to be cut and polished from all its faces. All of us possess the same Light / Energy / Power within us to shine like a 24 carat diamond. It is the job of the soul to clean each facet until the surface starts shining. Our task is to keep learning and become God like through knowledge.

Past Life Regression therapy helps us to understand a lot of nuances about ourselves, the way we react, the way we act and the way we live our lives.

A Lady Checking number of Car's
A lady came to me who, while history taking mentioned that she had a habit of checking car numbers every time she would be on the road.On doing the PLR(Past Life Regression)  she saw that in her previous life time she was hit by a car on the road and she noted that car number to tell her husband ( of the previous life time).Her husband came running and picked her up, but before she could tell him the car number, she passed away. So in this life time, she is still searching for that car.

We had done the PLR(Past Life Regression) for some relationship issues, but this also came into light and got treated. Now she has stopped checking on car numbers.

If You think you also have some problems unnoticed.. but bothering you..

Click here to: