Calcium deficiency in new born babies,in older infants and preschool children is in association with Vitamin D deficiency. Calcarea Phoshoricum is a great boon for such children.
- Irritability
- Jitteriness
- Pain in lower legs.
- Baby finds comfort on massaging his legs.
- White patches are formed on cheeks, forehead, or arms.
- Pregnant and lactating mothers must have adequate amount of calcium and Vitamin D in their diets to prevent problems associated with calcium deficiency.
- Artificially fed children are more prone to develop calcium deficiency. The high phosphate content of non-human milk depresses the level of calcium in the blood.
Medicines in Homeopathy
Calc. fluor., Calc. carb., Calc. phos.
Though rare in breastfed infants, calcium deficiency can occur in such infants whose mothers are deficient in calcium and Vitamin D.
PREVENTION: Exposure of infants and mothers to adequate sunlight can help in prevention of this condition.
Teething can start at any time between 3 month to 12 months of age.
Teething symptoms
- Drooling baby
- Babies may refuse to eat or drink.
- Irritability
- A tooth visible below the gum
- Swollen, bulging gums
- Trying to bite, chew, and suck on everything she can get her hands on
- Rubbing her face
- Difficulty in sleeping
- Grabbing her ears
- Waking more at night and generally being more unsettled.
- Gently rubbing over the affected gum with your clean finger may ease the pain.
- Many children find that biting on a clean and cool object is soothing (for example, a chilled teething ring).
- Chewing on chilled fruit or vegetables may help.
- Carrots and cucumbers are excellent soothers.
Homeopathic Medicines for Teething
Podophyllum, Belladonna, Calcarea phosphorica, Caffeinum.
Watch and wait if you notice fussiness, fever, trouble sleeping, or pulling at the ear that lasts for one to three days following congestion or an upper respiratory infection.
Visit the doc if these symptoms last for more than three days or if baby seems to be in severe pain and younger than 6 months. Doctors prefer to let baby's immune system fight an ear infection at first, but antibiotics may be in order if he isn't better after three days.
Homeopathic Medicines for Ear Infection
Belladonna, Ferrum phos, Hepar sulph., Pulsatilla..
Visit the doctor if vomiting or fever lasts more than two days, if baby doesn't want to drink, if she goes for six hours or more without urinating, or if there's blood in her stool. Your baby might have a serious infection such as salmonella or E. coli, which may require treatment with an antibiotic.
What Temperature Indicates That Baby Needs to See a Doctor?
"Fever and the symptoms that accompany it, such as congestion or vomiting, are your baby's way of fighting infection, "Babies tolerate high fever -- 104 degrees plus -- a lot better than we do, and duration is usually a much better indicator of illness than how high it is."
Its Time To see Doctor if the fever lasts more than a day, if other symptoms interfere with baby's ability to get rest and eat well, or if your parental instinct tells you something is wrong. If your baby is younger than 2 months and comes down with a fever, you'll need to take it more seriously and get him checked out immediately -- with newborns, it's much trickier to figure out which infections might be brewing.
Homeopathic Medicines for Fever
Aconite napellus, Belladonna, Ferrum phosphoricum
See you soon .. with more concerning issues on health.
Eat healthy !
Stay Happy !
These medicines are only suggestive and should not be taken without consulting a homoeopathic physician.