Sunday, 19 July 2015

Handling growing children.

Teen years are challenging both for the parents and children.

Aggression comes in children due to hormonal changes. Being a parent one should understand that children at this age go through emotional turmoil; whom to listen: friends or parents? What is right? and What is wrong? Let them decide some things themselves. There are body changes, peer pressure and a desire to be more independent in children. At times they start answering back and then starts a bitter relationship between parents And children.

Don't get into arguments, it do not help in any way. Give some time; probably a few hours or a day and then talk it out not shout it out.

This is the time when children need positive family environment.

It could be fun activities, open parent child communication wherein both should hear either persons views.

Parents should be appreciative of their kids extracurricular activities and should encourage them to participate in group activities.
It is important for the parent to stay calm when the child is misbehaving with his friends.

Always have a one to one talk and make him understand where he is wrong. 
Don't correct him in a group.
Use humour and lighten the tone of the conversation.
Ignore certain expression of your child .

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