Positive thinking is the master key for all kinds of locks in life.
Very often we feel we are stuck in a situation. Simply focus on what you want and not on what you have.

Once you start feeling that desire e.g. you want to be happy, see yourself in an environment (with family, friends etc.) where everyone is talking to you, appreciating you or your efforts and as you start daydreaming you put yourself in that situation and be happy.
Make this activity as often as you can.

Within a few days you will realize that things have started changing around you.

How to develop Positive Thinking Skills?

- Make a daily gratitude list: Think of five large or small things for which you feel grateful,[21] from the roof over your head, to the smile from the stranger on the bus, to the incredible sunset you saw last night. Expressing gratitude can lead to positive feelings, optimism, and connectedness.
- Make a list of your positive attributes: You may struggle at first, but once you get going, you might surprise yourself with how long your list becomes. Include physical attributes ("My strong runner's legs"), aspects of your personality ("I'm compassionate and kind"), things you're good at ("I'm really good at painting"), and so on.

- Re-frame your negative thoughts: When negative thoughts pop up, don't automatically believe this pessimistic, critical, and unhelpful self-talk. Isolate the negative thought (such as "I bombed that test") and re-frame it so that it is positive, supportive and encouraging ("It's too early to tell. I probably did better than I think.")
- Surround yourself with positive people: Studies show that humans take on some of the characteristics of those around them. While you will not always be able to avoid negative people, take what steps you can to minimize their presence in your life.
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