Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Feeling Stressed with Age - Here's the solution

First of all a very happy new year to all. New year brings in lots of positive vibes,thoughts and a desire to bring a change in our lives. Every new year also adds another year to our body and we realize that the jobs that we used to enjoy doing 4-5 years back feel a little cumbersome some - jogging, playing with our children, cooking a favourite meal etc. 

Some might experience chronic fatigue, legs feel like lead or for some concentrating on certain issues becomes difficult. All these things start making people irritable with themselves and also with people around them. 

 The question is why does this happen? 

 As we cross 40 (usually ) there is a decline in our hormone levels which causes forgetfulness, mental fatigue, loss of vigour, muscle weakness and decrease in muscle mass etc. We need to have a solution to tackle this problem.

  • Eat high fibre diet -wholegrain like bran chapattis, bajra/jowar porridge etc. 
  • Have lots of fresh fruits and vegetables especially in raw form like carrots,tomatoes, radishes,cucumbers, apples,strawberries, oranges etc. 
  • Reduce salt in your diet -pickles,papads, chips etc before the menstrual cycle
  • Exercise halfnhour 5 times a week. If you cannot take time out to exercise then make sure that you take stairs to office and keep getting up from your seat every half n hour probably to go and sit somewhere else.
  • Finally if symptoms keep getting worse contact homoeopathic doctors. You will find good relief from homoeopathic remedies 
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