Hyperthyroidism is a clinical syndrome in which there is increased secretion of thyroid hormones-T3 and T4 by the thyroid gland.
Signs and symptoms of Hyperthyroidism
- Heat intolerance
- Nervousness
- Increased irritability
- Palpitations
- Weight loss with the same or increased food intake
- Increased frequency of defecation
- Bulging eyes
- Sleep Disturbance
- Muscle weakness
- Tremors of hand or fingers
- Difficulty while breathing
- Women may have a decreased frequency of menses. Physical findings may include hyperkinesis, warm moist skin, a prominent stare and lid lag. The neurological exam may show a fine tremor and a fast return phase for the deep tendon reflexes. The cardiac exam reveals signs associated with a high cardiac output, including tachycardia, although atrial fibrillation is also common, a prominent S4, and flow murmurs. The thyroid gland may be diffusely enlarged, nodular, or even normal in size. Signs and symptoms may range from very mild to severe. Laboratory tests almost always show a low TSH and a high T3. The total and free T4 are also usually increased.
Hypothyroidism is 6 times more prevalent in females than males. Other causes apart from hashimoto are:
- Certain medicines given for respiratory diseases have potassium iodide in them which can reduce the levels of thyroid hormones.
- In certain parts of north India iodine deficiency is found which causes raised TSH levels.
- Lot of antidepressants have lithium carbonate which inhibits the release of thyroid hormones..
Medicines in Homeopathy
Medicines like Calcare phos, Calcarea carb, Lapis alb, Iodium, Thyroidinum, Spongia, Lycopus, Calcarea iod etc are often found indicated in cases of hyperthyroidism.
These medicines are only suggestive and should not be taken without consulting a homoeopathic physician..
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