Thursday, 19 March 2015

Hyperactive kid and Homeopathy

Are you worried about your child’s hyperactivity? 
Is your child constantly moving around, is he too fidgety? 
Does he constantly move his legs and arms? 
Does he have difficulty in waiting for his turn while playing with other kids?
Is he having concentration issues while studying –gets easily distracted?  

If so then there are chances that your child could be having Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder commonly called as ADHD.

Recent researches have proven great beneficial role of homeopathic medicines in treating such hyperactivity in children. The greatest benefit that homeopathy offers while treating Adhd is that its medicines are very safe for kids and do not slow down their other activities . Neither are they addictive; this means that once the treatment is over, the medicines can be safely withdrawn.

Adhd refers to condition in the childhood (it may be continue in the adulthood as well) where the child may be physically hyperactive and having concentration issues. Kids are naturally playful and active, which makes it difficult for parent to find out whether their child is naturally active or having a problem ,  thus for a child to be called as hyperactive or suffering from ADHD

Certain criteria to diagnose this disorder in kids
Hyperactive disorder in kids can be divided into usually three kinds

  1. Hyperactive – impulsive behavior, where the kids are physically hyperactive and have less impulse control.
  2. Inattentive type – where they have difficulty in sustaining attention while studying, playing and doing other activities. 
  3. Combined type – here they have both the physical hyperactivity as well as the low attention span.

Hyperactive –Impulsive type symptoms: 

  • Constant Fidgety behavior. 
  • Moving and squirming frequently. 
  • The child has difficulty in remaining in his seat and often leaves seat suddenly during class and can wander away outside the classroom. 
  • Running and climbing can be very excessive. 
  • The child always seems to be on the go. 
  • Excessive talking can be another symptom of Adhd. 
  • Blurts out answers even before the question is finished. 
  • The child may have difficulty in waiting for his turn while playing. 

Inattentive type the symptoms are:

  • The child often makes careless mistakes in schoolwork, homework and other activities. 
  • Sustaining attention while studying, playing or other activities is very difficult. 
  • Instruction following is very difficult for the child. 
  • He may seem to be’ too absorbed’ in his activity while being spoken too. 
  • The child may often avoid activities that require prolonged or sustained mental effort.

Causes of Adhd

  • Altered brain function and anatomy.
  • Genetic factors.
  • Maternal smoking and drug use in pregnancy. 
  • Childhood exposure to toxins such as lead  and food additives such as artificial coloring or food preservatives.

Researches around the world have proved the supremacy of homeopathic medicines in treating hyperactive disorder  in kids.

 Homeopathic medicines
Hyoscyamus , Veratrum Album , Tarentula  and stramonium  have been proved by researches to be effective in treating adhd. 

Kindly note that the names of the  above mentioned medicines are meant for information only and they should not be used without consulting the physician.

Fill the Comment Form below - Write about your problem To Dr.Aneet Kaur and receive a reply on How Homeopathy can help in treating your illness.

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Kidney stones and Homeopathy

Kidney stones, also called renal calculi, are solid concretions (crystal aggregations) of dissolved minerals in urine; calculi typically form inside the kidneys or bladder. The terms nephrolithiasis and urolithiasis refer to the presence of calculi in the kidneys and urinary tract, respectively.

A kidney stone is a hard, crystalline mineral material formed within the kidney or urinary tract. Kidney stones are a common cause of blood in the urine (hematuria) and often severe pain in the abdomen, flank, or groin. 

A kidney stone may not cause symptoms until it moves around within your kidney or passes into your ureter, the tube connecting the kidney and bladder. At that point, you may experience these signs and symptoms:

  • Severe pain in the side and back, below the ribs
  • Pain that spreads to the lower abdomen and groin
  • Pain that comes in waves and fluctuates in intensity
  • Pain on urination
  • Pink, red or brown urine
  • Cloudy or foul-smelling urine
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Persistent need to urinate
  • Urinating more often than usual
  • Fever and chills if an infection is present
  • Urinating small amounts of urine
  • Pain caused by a kidney stone may change — for instance, shifting to a different location or increasing in intensity — as the stone moves through your urinary tract.

Symptoms and signs:

  • HYPEREXCRETION OF RELATIVELY INSOLUBLE RINARY CONSTITUENTS such as oxalates, calcium, uric acid, cystine and certain drugs (such as magnesium trisilicate in the treatment of peptic ulcer).
  • PHYSIOLOGICAL CHANGES IN URINE such as Urinary pH (which is influenced by diet and medicines), Colloid content, Decreased concentration of crystalloids, Urinary magnesium/calcium ratio.
  • Either there is an increase in the crystalloid level or a fall in the colloid level, urinary stones may be formed.
  • If there is any modification of the colloids e. g. they lose their solvent action or adhesive property, urinary stones may develop.
  • The desquamated cells form nidus for stone formation. This is more applicable to bladder stones.
  • Infection disturbs the colloid content of the urine, also causes abnormality in the colloids (which may cause the crystalloid to be precipitated).
  • Infection also changes urinary pH and also causes increase in concentration of crystalloids.
  • It causes a shift of the pH of the urine to the alkaline side, predisposes urinary infection, and allows the crystalloids to precipitate.
  • Due to overproduction of parathormone the bones become decalcified and calcium concentration in the urine is increased. This extra calcium may be deposited in the renal tubules or in the pelvis to form renal calculus.

Types of kidney stones

Knowing the type of kidney stone helps determine the cause and may give clues on how to reduce your risk of getting more kidney stones. Types of kidney stones include:

Calcium stones. Most kidney stones are calcium stones, usually in the form of calcium oxalate. Oxalate is a naturally occurring substance found in food. Some fruits and vegetables, as well as nuts and chocolate, have high oxalate levels. Your liver also produces oxalate. Dietary factors, high doses of vitamin D, intestinal bypass surgery and several metabolic disorders can increase the concentration of calcium or oxalate in urine. Calcium stones may also occur in the form of calcium phosphate.

Struvite stones. Struvite stones form in response to an infection, such as a urinary tract infection. These stones can grow quickly and become quite large, sometimes with few symptoms or little warning.
Uric acid stones. Uric acid stones can form in people who don't drink enough fluids or who lose too much fluid, those who eat a high-protein diet, and those who have gout. Certain genetic factors also may increase your risk of uric acid stones.

Cystine stones. These stones form in people with a hereditary disorder that causes the kidneys to excrete too much of certain amino acids (cystinuria).

Other stones. Other, rarer types of kidney stones also can occur.

Factors that increase your risk of developing kidney stones include:

Family or personal history. If someone in your family has kidney stones, you're more likely to develop stones, too. And if you've already had one or more kidney stones, you're at increased risk of developing another.
Dehydration. Not drinking enough water each day can increase your risk of kidney stones. People who live in warm climates and those who sweat a lot may be at higher risk than others.
Certain diets. Eating a diet that's high in protein, sodium and sugar may increase your risk of some types of kidney stones. This is especially true with a high-sodium diet. Too much sodium in your diet increases the amount of calcium your kidneys must filter and significantly increases your risk of kidney stones.
Being obese. High body mass index (BMI), large waist size and weight gain have been linked to an increased risk of kidney stones.
Digestive diseases and surgery. Gastric bypass surgery, inflammatory bowel disease or chronic diarrhea can cause changes in the digestive process that affect your absorption of calcium and water, increasing the levels of stone-forming substances in your urine.
Other medical conditions. Diseases and conditions that may increase your risk of kidney stones include renal tubular acidosis, cystinuria, hyperparathyroidism, certain medications and some urinary tract infections.

Symptoms of Renal calculi
  • Colicky pain: “loin to groin”. Often described as “the worst pain […] ever experienced”.
  • Hematuria: blood in the urine, due to minor damage to inside wall of kidney, ureter and/or urethra.
  • Pyuria: pus (white blood cells) in the urine.
  • Dysuria: burning on urination when passing stones (rare). More typical of infection.
  • Oliguria: reduced urinary volume caused by obstruction of the bladder or urethra by stone, or extremely rarely, simultaneous obstruction of both ureters by a stone.
  • Abdominal distension.
  • Nausea/vomiting: embryological link with intestine – stimulates the vomiting center.
  • Fever and chills.
  • Hydronephrosis.
  • Postrenal azotemia: when kidney stone blocks ureter.
  • Frequency in micturition: Defined as an increase in number of voids per day (>than 5 times), but not an increase of total urine output per day (2500 ml). That would be called polyuria.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Loss of weight.

Tips for patients

  • Fluid intake should he high at all times. Drink 5 Litres of fluid - water, lassi , juice etc.
  • Avoidance of milk, cheese and great deal of calcium should be advised. 
  • Avoid Spinach, cauliflower, tomatoes. In case you have to put tomatoes, please deseed and deskin them.
  • Urine should be kept acid all the time. Alkalies should be prohibited or used in lesser quantities in those patients who are suffering from peptic ulcer.
  • Vitamin D should be stopped or used in very low quantity.
  • Patients with hyperuricemia should avoid red meats, offal and fish, which are rich in purines, and should receive treatment with allopurinol.
  • Eggs, meat and fish are high in sulphur containing proteins and should be restricted in patients with cystinuria.

Treatment in homeopathy
The homeopathic medicines are selected after a full individualizing examination and case-analysis, which includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution etc. A miasmatic tendency (predisposition/susceptibility) is also often taken into account for the treatment of chronic conditions. The medicines given below indicate the therapeutic affinity but this is not a complete and definite guide to the treatment of this condition. The symptoms listed against each medicine may not be directly related to this disease because in homeopathy general symptoms and constitutional indications are also taken into account for selecting a remedy. To study any of the following remedies in more detail, please visit our Materia Medica section. None of these medicines should be taken without professional advice.

Homeopathic medicines
Argentum nit., Belladonna, Benzoic acid, Berberis, Calcarea carb, Cantharis, Chimaphila umb etc.

Monday, 16 March 2015

Arthritis and Homeopathy

Arthritis is an inflammation of a joint. Pains in the joints are not always due to arthritis. Certain conditions may set off an attack of arthritis. It may be caused from a poor diet,  an injury, tonsils, infection of the teeth or other parts of the body, exposure to cold and dampness.

Symptoms associated with arthritis

  • Stiffness
  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Limitation of movements
  • May also associated with fever
  • Weight loss
  • Carditis in specific medical conditions of arthritis.

Causes of Arthritis

  • Injury:  Damage to bone, ligament and cartilage due to injury,  that ultimately leads to severe pain.
  • Infection:  Any kind of infection to the joint may result arthritis.
  • Obesity and advanced age:  Both are very common cause of arthritis.
  • Overuse:  Overuse of knee joint can cause bursitis which ultimately leads to intense pain.
  • Sprain:  Due to sudden unnatural movements causes pain as well as restriction of movement of the joint.
  • Dislocation
  • Other causes:  Includes Sarcoidosis, Sickle cell disease, Lupus, Kawasaki disease, Crohn’s disease, bone tumors, bleeding disorders etc.

 Different Types of Arthritis:

Infectious arthritis: Its also known as septic arthritis, is an inflammation of a joint caused by an infection of joint fluid and joint tissue produced by a bacterial invasion. It can develop by an entry of germs into the joint due to an injury, wound or skin abrasion. Infectious diseases such as gonorrhea or tuberculosis elsewhere in the body may travel from the infected area to the joints through the blood. The infected joint is painful, swollen, red, tender, and hot. The pain gets worse with movement.

Osteoarthritis: It is wearing and tearing away of cartilage and joint tissues in the knees, back, neck, and the last joints of each finger. It is characterized by the degeneration of cartilage and the growth of bumpy lumps in the joints. It is most common in people advancing into old age. The most common symptoms of osteoarthritis are stiffness, pain, heat, and loss of dexterity. Changes in the weather may flare up an attack.

Rheumatoid arthritis: It is a chronic, inflammatory and destructive disease of the joints and soft tissue. The begins in middle age, and most often in women. The symptoms include pain with stiffness in the joints of the hands, fingers, wrists, elbows, shoulder, feet, ankles, knees, or hips. After an attack, there may be scarring and new bone formation which cause deformities and loss of movement in the joint.
joints, cartilage, synovial membranes, muscles, and ligaments are involved.

Rheumatoid arthritis may be due to an autoimmune disease or infectious agent. Rheumatoid arthritis has a point of origin in the intestine. It is caused by an over consumption of improper food, poor digestion, and a slow metabolism.

Gout: It is characterized by inflammation of the joints of the hands and feet especially of the big toe caused by elevated blood levels of uric acids. Gout is associated with certain foods that are rich in chemicals called purines. Purines such as eggplants, peppers, anchovies, mushrooms, tomatoes, shellfish, peanuts, and meat are transformed in the organism into uric acids. Excess uric acids in the form of urate crystals accumulate in the joints and cause pain and inflammation. There are two forms of gout, primary gout and secondary gout. Primary gout is linked to inherited defect in metabolism. Secondary gout is a failure of the kidney to excrete uric acids. The kidneys are the principal organs of elimination of metabolic products. When there is an overproduction of uric acid, it reduces the kidneys ability to keep up with the elimination process. If the kidneys are unable to keep up with the overload, they will dump the urate crystals into the blood. As urate crystals travel throughout the system through the blood, they are deposited in the joints and tissues of the body.

Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis: It is an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation of the joints and soft tissue affecting children 16 years old and under.

Polyarthritic rheumatoid: It is inflammation and soft tissue swelling of many joints at the same time.

Arthritis Healing Diet

  • Avoid gluten and dairy products.
  • Consume almond milk or rice milk, instead of cow’s milk.
  • Eat a well balanced diet of organic fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.
  • Eat chicken, turkey, eggs, and oily fish.
  • Avoid saturated fats and trans fats.
  • Every morning take a very tiny piece of garlic crush it with a knife and swallow with a glass of water.
  • Take 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar in a glass of water twice a day.
  • Drink 8-10 glasses of water per day.
  • Exercise to build stronger muscles and makes joints more flexible. cycling is good exercise whether lying or stationary.
Tip for Patients
In case of osteoarthritis, put the affected part (knee) in normal tap water filled bucket for 10 minutes daily.


  • Arnica 
  • Rhus toxicodendron 
  • Bryonia 
  • Kalium carbonica 
  • Ferrum phosphoricum 
  • Lachnanthes 
  • Causticum
  • Rhus toxicodendron
  • Urtica urens
  • Nux vomica 
  • Benzoicum acidium 
  • Rhododendron
  • Silicea 
  • Helianthus annuus 
  • Calcarea fluorica
  • Lithium carbonicum
  • Benzoic acid

I was suffering from osteoarthritis from the past 20 years - my right shoulder and right knee were affected. Could walk with great pain.
My doctor had suggested me knee replacement and I had also taken the date.In between I happened to visit India for my niece's wedding when my brother asked me to visit Dr  Aneet. That was the changing point of my life...  She took my case and gave me 2 months medicine. I started taking them because I was in acute pain . I started seeing change in the swelling and pain in a months time.In the 2nd month the recovery was speedier. I cancelled my date of operation and asked the doctor for more medicines.

Had medicines regularly for 6 months and believe me I could run around doing anything and everything. It is 10 years since I am pain free. Now for all my ailments I refer her and she sends me medicines. My friends at times laugh that staying in USA you get your medicine from India. I have recommended her to my friends also.
Thank you. I owe you Dr.
Manjit Singh.

Read More from Patients

These medicines are only suggestive and should not be taken without consulting a homoeopathic physician.

Friday, 13 March 2015

Goitre in Homeopathy

Goitre is a state when the thyroid gland increases in volume thereby increasing the levels of T3 and T4.Goitre is also known as 'Derbyshire neck' - as it is caused due to iodine deficiency - leading to swellings of the thyroid. Generally, women are more prone to this disease than men. Goitres can be either diffuse or multinodular.

Goitre can be caused by a range of factors, including:

  • Insufficient iodine in the diet.
  • High consumption of certain foods that neutralise iodine, such as cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower. Other foods, like soy, may also induce goitres.
  • Certain drugs, such as lithium and phenylbutazone.
  • Thyroid cancer.Cancer of the thyroid is a very rare cause.
  • Nodules growing on the thyroid gland.
  • Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid gland).
  • Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid gland).

Most Common Signs and Symptoms of Goitre include

In many of cases there are no symptoms other than the appearance of large swelling in the neck. The size of a goiter can range from very small to very large.

  • Breathing problems may occur - if the goitre is large enough and presses on the windpipe
  • Swallowing problems may also occur - if the goitre is large enough to press on the esophagus
  • Feeling tired and sleeping excessively
  • Dry and Thickened Skin
  • Depression and problems with memory and concentration may also occur
  • Constipation
  • Sweaty moist palms
  • Rapid Heartbeat
  • Increased Appetite
  • Poor Memory and Concentration
  • Deteriorating or slowing growth rate
  • Brittle Hair
  • The suffering person may have a croaky or hoarse voice
  • Slow Reflexes
  • Delayed as well as precocious sexual development
  • High Cholesterol Levels
  • Girls suffering from goitre may suffer from increased menstrual flow

Homeopathy is suggested for cases of Goiter. Homeopathy helps in alleviating the symptoms associated with the condition. Moreover, homeopathy works at a deeper level to bring deviations of immunity back to normalcy and to restore the harmony of the body. homeopathy works better in the early and mild cases of goiter. The remedy prescribed based on this entire totality treats the disorder at its root cause and thus restores the normal functioning of the body.

Calcarea carbonica. [Calc] 
Lapis albus. [Lap-a] 
Iodine. [Iod] 
Spongia tosta. [Spong] 
Lycopus Virginicus. [Lyc] 
Thyroidine. [Thy] 

These medicines are only suggestive and should not be taken without consulting a homoeopathic physician.


Dr. Aneet Kaur

The medicines have helped me manage my asthma symptoms,except for some variations, most importantly my dependence on inhaler has reduced to 95% .  So that's a great thing. I recommend Dr Aneet to everyone.

I was suffering from osteoarthritis from the past 20 years - my right shoulder and right knee were affected .could walk with great pain.
My doctor had suggested me knee replacement and I had also taken the date.In between I happened to visit India for my niece's wedding when my brother asked me to visit Dr  Aneet. That was the changing point of my life. She took my case and gave me 2 months medicine. I started taking them because I was in acute pain . I started seeing change in the swelling and pain in a months time.In the 2nd month the recovery was speedier. I cancelled my date of operation and asked the doctor for more med
Had med regularly for 6 months and believe me I could run around doing anything and everything. It is 10 years since I am pain free. Now for all my ailments I refer her and she sends me med. My friends at times laugh that staying in USA you get your med from India. I have recommended her to my friends also.
Thank you. I owe you Dr.
Manjit Singh.

Hyperthyroidism in Homeopathy

Hyperthyroidism is a clinical syndrome in which there is increased secretion of thyroid hormones-T3 and T4 by the thyroid gland.

Signs and symptoms of Hyperthyroidism

  • Heat intolerance 
  • Nervousness 
  • Increased irritability
  • Palpitations
  • Weight loss with the same or increased food intake
  • Increased frequency of defecation
  • Bulging eyes
  • Sleep Disturbance
  • Muscle weakness
  • Tremors of hand or fingers
  • Difficulty while breathing
  • Women may have a decreased frequency of menses. Physical findings may include hyperkinesis, warm moist skin, a prominent stare and lid lag. The neurological exam may show a fine tremor and a fast return phase for the deep tendon reflexes. The cardiac exam reveals signs associated with a high cardiac output, including tachycardia, although atrial fibrillation is also common, a prominent S4, and flow murmurs. The thyroid gland may be diffusely enlarged, nodular, or even normal in size. Signs and symptoms may range from very mild to severe. Laboratory tests almost always show a low TSH and a high T3. The total and free T4 are also usually increased.

Hypothyroidism is 6 times more prevalent in females than males. Other causes apart from hashimoto are:

  1. Certain medicines given for respiratory diseases have potassium iodide in them which can reduce the levels of thyroid hormones.
  2. In certain parts of north India iodine  deficiency is found which causes raised TSH levels.
  3. Lot of antidepressants have lithium carbonate which inhibits the release of thyroid hormones..

Medicines in Homeopathy

Medicines like Calcare phos, Calcarea carb, Lapis alb, Iodium, Thyroidinum, Spongia, Lycopus, Calcarea iod etc are often found indicated in cases of hyperthyroidism.

These medicines are only suggestive and should not be taken without consulting a homoeopathic physician..

Saturday, 7 March 2015

Hypothyroidism in Homeopathy

Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland is underactive and does not produce sufficient amounts of thyroid hormones required in the body. The most cause of hypothyroidism is Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is an autoimmune disorder in which the antibodies are produced by the immune system against its own tissue, which in turn attacks the thyroid gland resulting in hypothyroidism.Severe Iodine deficiency can also lead to hypothyroidism . Natural Homeopathic remedies for hypothyroidism are highly effective and especially useful for people who want to avoid the side effects of prescription drugs.

Main symptoms of hypothyroidism
Weight gain 
Cold intolerance 
Aches and pains 
Muscle stiffness 
Iron deficiency 
Dry skin 

Foods that promote production of  T3,T4,TSH which are the thyroid hormones are:

  1. Cabbage
  2. Water chestnut as a fruit or as flour(singhare ka atta)
  3. Makhane roasted as a snack
  4. Coconut

At least one of these things should be had daily.

Top Homeopathic Remedies for Hypothyroidism

Calcarea carb , Sepia ,Lycopodium, Graphites and Nux Vomica are the leading homeopathic remedies for hypothyroidism .

Calcarea Carbonica:  It is one of the best homeopathic remedy for hypothyroidism. Its use is highly recommended in obese people who are always chilly and cannot tolerate cold air. The patient requiring this medicine is fair complexioned, fatty and flabby. Excessive sweating on head is a leading feature for its use in hypothyroid patients

. This medicine proves to be very efficacious in women with hypothyroidism who suffer from very profuse menses that continue for long durations and occur earlier than the expected date. Coldness of feet is always present during the menstrual period.

Sepia Officinalis: The patients requiring this medicine are very weak, have a pale yellow face and faint very easily especially on exposure to excessive cold temperature. Such patients lack vital heat of body and feel excessively chilly even in a warm room. Sepia Officinalis is also prescribed for controlling the excessive hair fall due to hypothyroidism, especially in women of menopausal age. 

Lycopodium Clavatum: This homeopathic medicine is mainly prescribed to those patients of hypothyroidism who suffer from gastric troubles. There is excessive flatulence in the abdomen with acidity that is mainly worse after taking farinaceous food. There is constipation with difficult, hard, incomplete stool. The person craves hot drinks and hot food; craving for sweets may also be found. 

Graphites: Graphites is mainly used for those patients of hypothyroidism who are very obese and take on cold very easily. Mentally the patient is very depressed, sad and weeps easily on listening to music. Timidity and inability to take decisions may also be present.

Nux Vomica: Nux Vomica is remedy mainly prescribed in those patients of hypothyroidism who are extremely temperamental in nature and get offended very easily; such people are very sensitive to all external impressions.

These medicines are only suggestive and should not be taken without consulting a homoeopathic physician.

You are requested to share your views with us. Write to us, we are here to help you.

Friday, 6 March 2015

Cysts and Homoepathy

A cyst is a closed capsule or sac-like structure, typically filled with liquid, semisolid or gaseous material - very much like a blister. Cysts occur within tissue, and can affect any part of the body. They vary in size from microscopic to the size of some team-spor.t balls - large cysts can displace internal organs.

In case of Ovarian cyst these are the sign and symptoms:

  1. Dull aching or sudden, sharp, stitching pain in lower abdomen
  2. Irregular menstrual periods
  3. Pain during intercourse or bowel movements
  4. Nausea or vomiting
  5. Feeling full after eating a small amount
  6. Bloating

Homeopathic Treatment for Cysts

First a hormonal level check is done and ascertained which hormones are being secreted more and which less. Then a thorough case study is taken of the individual. Cysts are usually found in the ovaries and can be multiple in nature.
Multiple ovarian cystic disease-  This is becoming v common in young females from 20-30 years of age also which was earlier in the age group of 40-50. Young ladies are subjected to lot of stress during their college life which alters the hormones and is most commonly noticed with painful periods,delayed periods or facial hair growth. It is v necessary to get it treated on time or else it can cause problems during conception and pregnancy.

Apis mellifica. [Apis]
Belladonna. [Bell]
Lachesis. [Lach] 
Arsenicum. [Ars]
These medicines are only suggestive and should not be taken without consulting a homoeopathic physician.

For More details :

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes mellitus This condition is caused in our body due to deficiency of insulin hormone which is secreted by the pancreas. Common symptoms are-fatigue, increased thirst , increased frequency of urination , increased thirst etc.

Diabetes is characterized by:

Elevated blood sugars for months to years.
Both hereditary and environmental factors leading to its development and progression.
A relative or absolute deficiency of effective circulating insulin. Insulin is a substance made by the pancreas which lowers blood sugar in conjunction with meals. Diabetes is characterized by either:
 an inability of the pancreas to produce insulin (type 1 or insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus) or an inability of insulin to exert its normal physiological actions (type 2 or non-insulin dependent diabetes).

Often recognized in patients by:
  • Excessive urination
  • Thirst
  • Weight loss
  • Lack of energy
But diabetes is often silent and may exist for many years without the individual’s noticing it.

Effects certain “target tissues,” that is, tissues which are vulnerable to the damaging effects of chronically high blood sugar levels. These target tissues are the eye, the kidney, the nerves and the large blood vessels, such as in the heart.


The diabetic diet should consist of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Half of the calories should come from complex carbohydrates. This comprises, whole grain breads, cereals, fruit, vegetables and low fat milk. a diabetic diet is all about calories, the right sort of carbohydrates in the right form, salads and vegetables, low fat yogurt, skimmed milk, fruit (preferably an apple, orange or a mosambi), and cereals with low glycemic index. Polysaturated or monosaturated fats help increase HDL cholesterol, and reduce LDL cholesterol. Corn oil, safflower and soybean oil are good mediums.A low fat diet , adequate protein and low salt intake should complete it. Rounded off with adequate exercise, you should have the diabetes under control.


Everyone needs regular aerobic exercise, and people with diabetes are no exception.
Walking, hiking, jogging, biking, tennis, cross-country skiing and swimming are all good choices.Aim for at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise most days

  • Exercise helps reduce blood glucose levels and makes insulin more effective.
  • Exercise also helps people lose weight faster.
  • Exercise helps people maintain their lower weight.
  • Exercise is believed to improve insulin's sensitivity (its ability to work).
  • Exercise reduces the dosage requirement or the need for blood-glucose medications
  • Exercise reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Being overweight is the greatest risk factor for type 2 diabetes. That's because fat makes your cells more resistant to insulin. But when you lose weight, the process reverses and your cells become more receptive to insulin. For some people with type 2 diabetes, weight loss is all that's needed to restore blood sugar to normal. Furthermore, a modest weight loss of 10 to 20 pounds is often enough.

Diabetes mellitus being a chronic disease is treated effectively by homoeopathic medicines.

1.Constitutional medicine: based on the constitution of the patient the most indicated medicine covering all the symptoms is prescribed. Some useful constitutional medicines found are Lycopodium, Sulphur, Argentum nitricum, Natrum mur, Calcarea carb.

2. Controlling diabetes gets very difficult when the patient is highly stressed- office,home ,emotional,travelling or death of someone close by. At this point homeopathic medicine act very effectively and help in restoration of health by helping the brain to cope better with the stress. These medicines also promote insulin production by the islets of Langerhans that secrete insulin in the pancreas.
Within 3 months of medication the energy levels are back to normal and all signs of lethargy disappear. The patients start leading normal life and then seeing the response we taper down the allopathic medicines and insulin. For this a detailed history is taken and then a constitutional remedy is found.

For More Details:

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Asthma and its Remedies

If you or a loved one has asthma, you should know about the most effective asthma treatments for short-term relief and long-term control. Understanding asthma treatments will enable you to work with your asthma doctor to confidently manage your asthma symptoms daily. 

General Approach
Homeopathy is a system of medicine which tries to ‘cure’ this disease, instead of trying to provide symptomatic relief. While dealing with a case of asthma, a homeopath not only records the symptoms of the disease but also studies the medical history, family history, physical and psychological characteristics of a person. This helps to find the cause, the precipitating factors, and the hereditary tendency etc.

After ascertaining the symptoms and the cause, the homeopath tries to find a medicine which matches the symptoms as well as the general characteristics of the person. The medicine so selected is administered to the patient.

Asthma Symptoms
Asthma is characterized by inflammation of the bronchial tubes with increased production of sticky secretions inside the tubes. People with asthma experience symptoms when the airways tighten, inflame, or fill with mucus.
These days children staying in metros develop asthma because of high levels of pollution and minute hydrocarbons present in the air. For a child the respiratory system is the weakest and invariably the disease settles either as tonsillitis, bronchitis or sinusitis. When the patient is taken to a regular allopathic doctor he is put on strong antibiotics and also small doses of steroids(present in inhalers-asthalin and others). This lowers the natural immunity of a child and he starts falling sick very often. Repeated doses of nebulizers lowers the elasticity of the lung vessels and then asthma like symptoms develop.

Common asthma symptoms include:
  • Coughing, especially at night
  • Blocked nose
  • Wheezing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest congestion, tightness, pain, or pressure

Asthma Causes:
1. Allergic (extrinsic/ atopic) Asthma – This type of asthma usually starts in childhood and is often preceded by eczema. But most of the young adults (<35 yrs) developing asthma also fall in this category. Genetic factors also play a significant role i this. In this type of asthma the allergen leads to production of excessive (IgE) immunoglobulins.

2. Infective or Intrinsic Asthma – This is not hereditary or allergic, but may be caused by, or at least associated with upper respiratory tract or bronchial infection which is usually viral.

3. Emotional Asthma – Psychological factors (like anxiety, emotional stress etc) are often considered to be the sole cause of some asthmatic attacks, but it is still not certain whether it can be the sole cause or is only a precipitating factor.

4. Occupational asthma – This can occur in certain industries in which there is exposure to metallic dusts.

What ever may be the cause, it ultimately leads to paroxysms of bronchial obstruction produced by widespread bronchial spasm accentuated by plugging of the bronchi with excessive mucus.

Facts to know:
Massive construction is on peak these days. Dust is a very aggravating factor for such patients.
Pollen grains, husk that flies in the air during harvest in north India is a major precursor of asthma during spring time.
Kids who are prone to wheezing,bronchial asthma should be very careful during holi time. These colours aggravate the allergies.
Precautions during holi:
For dry colour: Use natural colours like turmeric, dried marigold and rose petals and powdered.
For liquid colour: Take beetroot and grate it. Add  2 litre of water and leave it for 2 hours, sieve it and the colour is ready.

Asthma Help: Living with Asthma
Homeopathic medicines improve the immunity of a Patient and gives permanent cure .
It is a holistic treatment where the Patient is treated as a whole and not part of his body.
Looking for some asthma help? Living with asthma isn't easy, but there are ways to decrease your stress and find support. Know More.. Contact Us.

There are lots of medicines in homeopathy for asthma symptoms and it is not possible to list them all here. Some of the common medicines are ars-alb, ipecac, lachesis, pulsatilla, spongia, sulphur, ignatia, antim-tart, hepar-sulph, nat-sulph, tuberculinum etc. The selection of medicine varies from patient to patient.

The medicines have helped me manage my asthma symptoms,except for some variations, most importantly my dependence on inhaler has reduced to 95%.  So that's a great thing. I recommend Dr Aneet to everyone.


Cont. Reading

Monday, 2 March 2015

Swine Flu ( H1N1 Flu Virus)

H1N1 flu is also known as swine flu. It's called swine flu because in the past, the people who caught it had direct contact with pigs. That changed several years ago, when a new virus emerged that spread among people who hadn't been near pigs.

In 2009, H1N1 was spreading fast around the world, so the World Health Organization called it a pandemic. 
Swine flu is contagious, and it spreads in the same way as the seasonal flu. When people who have it cough or sneeze, they spray tiny drops of the virus into the air. If you come in contact with these drops or touch a surface (such as a doorknob or sink) that an infected person has recently touched, you can catch H1N1 swine flu.

Despite the name, you can't catch swine flu from eating bacon, ham, or any other pork product.

Swine Flu Symptoms
People who have swine flu can be contagious one day before they have any symptoms, and as many as 7 days after they get sick. Kids can be contagious for as long as 10 days.Like seasonal flu, swine flu can lead to more serious complications, including pneumonia and respiratory failure. And it can make conditions like diabetes or asthma worse. If you have symptoms like shortness of breath, severe vomiting, abdominal pain, dizziness.

Most symptoms are the same as seasonal flu. They can include:
  • cough.
  • fever.
  • sore throat.
  • stuffy or runny nose.
  • body aches.
  • headache.
  • chills.
  • fatigue.

Who is at high risk?:
  • Children under 5 years old
  • People 65 or older
  • Children and teens (under age 18) who are getting long-term aspirin therapy, and who might be at risk for Reye's syndrome after being infected with swine flu. Reye's syndrome is a life-threatening illness linked to aspirin use in children.
  • Pregnant women
  • Adults and children who have chronic lung, heart, liver, blood, nervous system, neuromuscular, or metabolic problems
  • Adults and children who have suppressed immune systems (including those who take medications to suppress their immune systems or who have HIV)
  • People in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities.

Things you can do to stay healthy:
  • Wash your hands frequently every day with soap and warm water for 15-20 seconds; especially before meals, or each time after touching a surface that you suspect could be contaminated with flu virus such as a door handle or a knob/handle, especially if you have returned from a public place or used public transport. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers should be kept handy at all times and used until you can get soap and warm water. 
  • Don't touch your eyes, nose, or mouth with your hand as it travel through nose and mouth.
  • Avoid people who are sick.
  • Burn Camphor daily in your home, as it purifies air.
  • Use dettol for cleaning purpose.
  • Take Camphor powder and Green cardamom powder in equal ratio. Keep it with you in your handkerchief and sniff it once in a day. 
  • Use mask at public places.

Influenzinum 200 medicine to be taken once a week as a preventive measure for swine flu.

For further queries:

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Migraine Is Curable.

Migraine a dreaded word by the patients who have felt the pain and discomfort it brings. It means severe headache usually one sided (can be whole head also) usually accompanied by nausea, vomiting, loss of vision for a few seconds to a few minutes and other uncomfortable symptoms. It is usually related to stress-office or home, hormonal imbalance during before or after periods or during pregnancy, hunger pangs or missing a meal or loss of meal. Chocolate , coffee ,alcohol , diet drinks and foods having artificial flavoring like monosodium glutamate(MSG) can also trigger migraine. 

Many patients suffering from migraine have benefitted from homoeopathic medicines. Good Homoeopathic doctor understands the root cause of the problem and treats them with remedies and within a few months the patient is cured of all the symptoms of migraine.

As per Mohita one of our patient:
I first visited Dr. Aneet in 2005 due to my acute migraine problem. Since then I have been visiting her regularly for any ailment in the family. I must confess I have hardly been to an allopathic doctor in these last nine years. She not only cured my migraine but did a lot of food correction which was the root cause of the suffering. I like her holistic approach. She is not only a good doctor but is very patient, a great listener and for me a mentor. I turn to her very often. I have never been disappointed.. (Mohita)

Know More:
You are one step away from Migraine treatment. For further information contact us, or send your queries.

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