Exam fever is on
Come March and the whole nation is gripped with exam fever. Children apart parents are more worried and tensed because our whole system is based on tests and their results.
Effort should be made in understanding the concept and not rote learning. Understanding goes a long way whereas rote learning only makes us clear the exams.
Make notes ahead of the exams and not during exams.
Time management is very important with regular breaks and walks in between.
Develop positive attitude towards your studies. Get rid of all excuses. Set a goal and work towards it.
Only revision work should be done during exams. Sleep at least 7 hours at night before exam. Then your brain gives you the maximum output.
Practice previous year question papers thoroughly. Check with your teachers beforehand only for all kinds of doubts.
During exams stay focused, read the question twice before attempting it.
Don't look here and there as to what others are doing.
Attempt those questions that you know well first before pondering over what you don't know.
If in doubt just close your eyes for 2mins and relax. You will get the answer.
Chocolates and sweets help in reducing stress to quiet an extent. These can be taken in the breaks to help the brain remember thing better, and reproduce them when required.
Come March and the whole nation is gripped with exam fever. Children apart parents are more worried and tensed because our whole system is based on tests and their results.
Effort should be made in understanding the concept and not rote learning. Understanding goes a long way whereas rote learning only makes us clear the exams.
Make notes ahead of the exams and not during exams.
Time management is very important with regular breaks and walks in between.

Only revision work should be done during exams. Sleep at least 7 hours at night before exam. Then your brain gives you the maximum output.
Practice previous year question papers thoroughly. Check with your teachers beforehand only for all kinds of doubts.
During exams stay focused, read the question twice before attempting it.
Don't look here and there as to what others are doing.
Attempt those questions that you know well first before pondering over what you don't know.
If in doubt just close your eyes for 2mins and relax. You will get the answer.